You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.1. File - Inventory > File - Inventory - Price Breaks

File - Inventory - Price Breaks

Micronet supports quantity buy breaks, where the larger the quantity bought from a supplier, the better the buy price selected by Micronet. The buy price break is checked during the receipting of items from suppliers during the goods received process.

Product buy breaks can be setup within Micronet to be applied:


Technical Tip

The option to set the way buy price breaks are applied is setup in the Buy Price Breaks field on the Purchasing Configuration screen (refer to "Edit - Program - Purchasing").

Note that buy price breaks are overridden by any special supplier prices.

Micronet also supports quantity sell breaks during the invoicing process, where the larger the quantity ordered by the customer the better the selling price selected by Micronet. Pricing normally reduces from Price 8 (highest price) to Price 1 (lowest price) as the quantity being sold is increased. Price breaks are overridden by any special prices.

Product sell breaks can be setup within Micronet to be applied:


Technical Tip

The option to set the way sell price breaks are applied is setup in the Sell Price Breaks field on the Invoicing Configuration screen (refer to "Edit - Program - Invoicing").

For example, an item may be setup with the following retail price breaks:

Retail Price

Retail Price Name

Sales Quantity

Retail 1


Not Applicable

Retail 2


Not Applicable

Retail 3


Not Applicable

Retail 4


10000 +

Retail 5



Retail 6



Retail 7



Retail 8


Not Applicable

You use the Item Update screen - Price Breaks tab if Micronet is setup for individual item price breaks. It allows you to enter the buy and sell price breaks for an item.

To enter an item's buy and sell price breaks:

  1. Add a new item or open an existing one.

Refer to "Adding a New Item" or "Updating an Item".

  1. Select the Price Breaks tab.

Micronet displays the Item Update screen - Price Breaks tab.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Buy Break



Buy 1 - 8

Enter each buy break quantity for the selected item, where buy price 1 is the lowest price (largest quantity) and 8 is the highest price (smallest quantity).

Micronet checks that the buy price breaks are entered correctly.


Price Group 1



Break 200 - 1

Enter each sell break quantity for the selected item for wholesale (Price Group 1) customers, where sell price 1 is the lowest price (largest quantity) and 8 is the highest price (smallest quantity).

Micronet checks that the sell price breaks are entered correctly.


Price Group 2



Break 200 - 1

Enter each sell price break quantity for the selected item for retail (Price Group 2) customers, where sell price 1 is the lowest price (largest quantity) and 8 is the highest price (smallest quantity).

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.


Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

Note that you cannot enter sell price breaks for sub-assembled items or their components. Prices on sub-assembled items are determined by the total prices of the components, therefore when the quantity is changed, quantity price breaks do not apply.

If you have selected a sub-assembled item or component, Micronet displays the following message when you try to save your sell price breaks: